Saturday, July 14, 2012

What I've Been Dreading Most

My greatest fear just happened.  I broke the weight barrier, the one number I'd never ever want to see on a weighing scale --- 114!

This is the SECOND TIME it's happened since being born-again into my new body.  The first time I broke the barrier, I did not punish myself because I was in Boracay with some very good friends visiting from New York.  AND the weight immediately disappeared after a trip to the toilet.  But this morning is all about losing discipline.  I have lost control of my cravings and I've been eating like I used to pre-Cohen.

What do I mean?  Ever since going on Maintenance, I have been indulging myself with dessert after every meal (lunch and dinner).  I would always have a slice (or slices) of cake and/or some chocolate after each meal.  It doesn't help that our refrigerator/freezer is well stocked with these yummies.

This cheesecake went on sale at S&R

A mix of the good (dark chocolate) and bad (peanut butter) chocolate
When eating out, I always ask for the dessert menu.  Two days ago, I helped myself to the Double Decker Cheesecake at the Village Tavern.  Then last night, I had some of the Red Velvet cake and Cookie Dough at Rocket Room.  

Double Decker Cheesecake

I'm sure I can't blame the weight gain on just my dessert intake because right after I finished the Refeeding Program, I was cautiously eating dessert and noticed that my weight was still maintained in spite of the indulgence.  What I'm pointing out is the loss of control.  After realizing the minimal effect on my weight from having dessert, I became daring and began increasing my sweet intake until it went out of control.  It's pretty much like drugs and alcohol, isn't it?  You start with just taking a little bit and before you know it, you're having a lot of it and can no longer control yourself.

I now admit, "I am a chocoholic."  I resolve to mend my ways beginning today!

I am officially at war with my Chocoholism.  I resolve to limit my cake and sweets to just 3 times a week.  Pretty much like to rule on cheese.  I also resolve that beginning today, I will maintain a food blog.

A food blog?  Yes!  This morning I read a weight loss article.  It said that there are 3 habits we must adopt to lose weight:

1.  Keep track of your food intake in a journal
2.  Don't skip meals
3.  Avoid eating out

I've found an iOS app to help me with step number 1 called LifeTopix by lightArrow.  This app has practically ruled/organized my life. 

With this app I not only keep track of my appointments and tasks, I log my daily weight and can even keep tabs on my food intake.  This is one app to manage the many facets of my life.

I've been using this app for a week now to keep track of my weight but starting this day, everything I eat, I will also log.  Checkout my weight log and the graph

What a roller coaster!  Hopefully with my new resolve, this graph will reverse and plateau at a more manageble 107 to 109 lbs.  Fingers crossed :)