Saturday, October 20, 2012

Food log?

On the day I broke the weight barrier, I was so upset.  I spent all day agonizing until J told me that this shouldn't depress me because all I need to remember is how easy it was for me to lose the weight.  That's right!!!  I have the tools and the know-how to lose the weight.  Been there, done that!  All I have to do is get back on the Eating Plan (EP).

I read an article about the 3 habits we must adopt to lose weight:

1.  Maintain a food journal
2.  Don't skip meals
3.  Avoid eating out

These habits are very much in sync with the golden rules of Cohen.  Number 2 is easy to do.  Number 3 will be a bit of a challenge especially if you have a life partner who truly enjoys eating out.  Number 1 I can start doing.

A food journal?  J asked, "why does keeping a log make more of an impact than me telling you 'you're eating too much na.  You're eating like you used to eat'"?  The simple answer is because by writing down what I eat I have hard evidence that shows exactly how much I have consumed.  Also, there is effort involved in jotting down your food intake.  Hopefully, the need to list it down might dissuade me from putting it in my mouth.

To help me with this task, I discovered an iOS app called LifeTopix by lightArrow.  I will not so much discuss the many features of this app.  Rather, I will show you how I have tailor-fitted this app to the Cohen lifestyle.

Below is the Health+Activity tab where I keep tabs on my weight and food intake.  Every morning, before breakfast, I log in my weight.  See how my weight has been fluctuating.  I've been bad!  LifeTopix then prepares a line graph showing the daily ups and downs of my weight.

I also tweaked the Nutrition log so that I can keep track of the various food I take in every day.  I adjusted the food groups to the Cohen plan.  I have a tab to track my water intake as well as my yogurt intake.  To conform to Cohen, all the food intake is measured in grams instead of calories.  Water is measured in milliliters instead of cups.  Below is my cake intake.  It keeps tabs on how many servings of cake I have in a day.

The charts are very telling.  I've been misbehaving.  Gotta take back control!!!

Keeping tabs on weight and food in-take is a task.  But with the help of technology, it's easier and a little more fun :)

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