Sunday, April 29, 2012

Before and After

When I started on this new eating lifestyle I was 141 pounds with a 29-30" waistline wearing size 10 tops.  I played tennis once or twice a week and jogged on the off days.  Getting dressed was such a chore.  You'd know I overate the night before when it took me longer to get dressed the following morning.  I did not feel good about how I looked. 

At 141 lbs., January 12, 2012
I thought that maybe a change of wardrobe would solve the problem so I called a friend, Ram de Vera, to help me update my wardrobe.  We went shopping for new clothes and for a while, I felt good.  Ram knew exactly what clothes I needed to hide my bulge and to elongate my appearance.  I asked him to make me thin and he said that he was a stylist, not a cosmetic surgeon! Ram did a great job.  He went from store to store, rack to rack, picking Large/Medium clothes that were the right proportions for my body.

January 19, 2012

Then one day, I decided to take the plunge.  On the advice of my cousin-in-law, Nikki, I called the Cohen Lifestyle Clinic, made an appointment and attended their 1-day orientation seminar and from there, my new life began.

In a matter of 3 months, I shrunk to a 25-inch waist, size 2 or 0 tops; I can now wear skinny jeans and a tank top!!!  This was the biggest surprise!  Pre-Cohen, I could only wish my thighs would fit into skinny jeans.  Today, I always wear my shirts tucked into my jeans and I think I walk a little taller.   A friend, Kara, just said the other day, "ang nag-Co-Cohen nagiging mayabang".  Hindi naman, Kara, sometimes you just can't help feeling good about yourself.

107 lbs., April 18, 2012

Thank you, Dr. Cohen.  You're not a cosmetic surgeon but this is exactly what I was looking for!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Not The Calories, Stupid!

Indeed, indeed, it's not the calories!  When I graduated from the Refeeding Program I was extremely scared.  Scared I'd overeat and lose control then gain back all the weight.  I read and re-read the Management Program to make sure I understood what I had to do to maintain my new found lifestyle.  There was one very, very important phrase in that entire manual that I pretty much ignored: 

"Do not count calorie or kilojoules.  Your body is trained during the Refeeding Program and WILL HANDLE normal qualities and combinations of food as set out on your last day of your Refeeding Program."

It was simply ignored because all my life I've been told that weight management was all about calorie counting.  And this made sense, right?  Hindi pala!!!  So all that fear was for naught!  Let me tell you what I mean.

Yesterday was a special day.  It was my dad's 81st birthday.  My brothers and I decided to take the day off from work and drive out to Lipa, Batangas to celebrate dad's birthday.  Dad recently discovered this good Italian restaurant in Lipa:  Casa Marikit. If you do drive by Lipa this summer, like when you visit the Carmelite convent, I highly recommend a stop over at this restaurant (just so you know, I am not in any way connected with this restaurant.  I'm just proud of Batangas!).

Anyway, my brothers and I arrived at the restaurant ahead of our parents, so we ordered some starters.  I ordered the Rucola Salad (Arugula with walnuts, drizzled with balsamic vinegar --- very much Cohen-approved!!!).  When my parents arrived, we went ahead and ordered our main dishes.  My brothers and I decided to indulge ourselves with the best that this restaurant could offer.  After all, how often does one turn 81 years old!!!  So my carnivore brothers ordered Osso Bucco and Rack of Lamb

Osso Bucco with Rissotto

Rack of Lamb
Not to be outdone, I ordered the Angus Tenderloin (again, Cohen-approved!!!).

And then Mom wanted to have a round of drinks so each of us except for Popit, got a  bottle of beer to drown our meat.

After enjoying my steak, I ordered a Tiramisu.  Sarap!  I ate it all BY MYSELF!!!  After that hefty lunch, we drove to Mom's house to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

This is the thing about my Mom's house.  The moment you enter her house, everyone gravitates toward the dining table.  As soon as we settled in, a parade of trays started coming out: Ginataan, Suman, Buco, Puto, Dinuguan.  It was like that scene on Disney's Beauty & the Beast (Be my guest, be my guest, la la la la la la la).  There were just five of us and she had all this food waiting for us!  So again, while chit-chatting about the latest current events and tsismis, I helped myself with a bit of Ginataan.  As the tsismis got more intense, I helped myself with some Fresh Buco Juice with its soft, white, sweet flesh.

I must admit, I felt quite guilty about all the food I ate.  Ok, to be precise, I was worried again about all that food intake.  When I got back to Manila, I still felt quite full so I just had Yogurt with fresh pineapples for dinner.

This morning, worried about yesterday's indulgence, I weight myself, sure that I'd have to rein in on my food intake for today. I was surprised to see that I DID NOT GAIN A SINGLE BIT from yesterday's binge!!!  So it's true, trust Dr. Cohen.  It's not the calories, stupid!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Source: Cartimar Market

Where is the best place to buy fruits and vegetables?  Some will say Salcedo Weekend Market; others, Landmark Supermarket or Rustan's Supermarket.  Well I say, the Cartimar Market.

Many vendors in Cartimar supply the supermarkets and many of the restaurants in the city.  So, it's best to just go directly to the source.  Best time to go is early in the morning to get the freshest produce. What time in the morning?  About 6:30 to 7:00 a.m.  It's not only cheaper than the supermarkets, you can even haggle, it you want.  All the vegetables you'll need for the Eating Plan are available. 




Oyster Mushrooms

And more mushrooms

Since many Korean nationals shop in this market, you will always find shitake and enoki mushrooms here.  The last time I bought a bag of enochi mushrooms, it was selling for Php 65.00/bag.

There is also a constant supply of Cohen-approved fruits.  This morning I found plums selling for Php 280.00/kilo.

I have been avoiding eating too much red meat because I get aches and pains the next day every single time I eat red meat.  Instead I now buy a lot of seafood.  I have my favorite fish mongers who have the freshest produce

Prawns and Salmon


Sole fish

Whatever fish head you want
If you want fresh native chicken, you can't get it any fresher than at Cartimar.  They'll get you a live one and dress it for you if you want.  In my case, Magnolia is fine with me :)

This morning my mom wanted a 1.5-kilo chicken to steam for lunch today.  The vendor's biggest available dressed chicken was about 1.3 kilos.  I shrieked when my mom said to find one from the cage.  Good thing she opted to just get a Magnolia bagged chicken from the adjacent store.

I wonder what these caged chickens are thinking
Across the Wet Market there is a Tofu store that sells all soya products including soya milk.  Pre-Cohen, my brother and I would have flavored taho with sago for breakfast after our marketing.  I think I can do that again since taho is protein, right?

Beside the taho store, you'll also find a couple of Japanese and Korean grocery stores.  Here you can find an array of green teas. 

For those on Maintenance, on your diet-free days, you should try the Korean ice-cream with monggo that is shaped like a fish.  Ang sarap!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Overate? Push the Reset Button

On my 4th day on Maintenance, I joined some friends to try a restaurant in Quezon City.  We were a group of 4 who were lucky to find the restaurant still ready to serve us at 9:30 p.m.  We scanned through the menu and Roman decides we should sample their Seafood and Meat Platter.  He looks at us and asks, "do we get the platter for 3 to 4 persons or the 5 to 6?".  Just graduating from Cohen, I stare at him in protest and he agrees to order the smaller platter but with an order of Crispy Pata.  So here is what happened when the Crispy Pata arrived

That was "kilig to the bones" and "finger lickin' good"!  And then the following morning, all that "kilig" registered on the weighing scale.  A one pound gain for a couple of Crispies!!!  I felt horrible.  I also felt scared.  I kept thinking, "what if all that weight starts coming back?"  Oh no!!!

Fear, fear, fear!!!  But here's the thing.  All I had to do was push the reset button.  The what?  The reset button.  This is what I mean...

After Cohen, you are more conscious about your food choices and food intake.  You will avoid fat, carbs and sweets by choice.  When you must eat the "bad" food, you schedule its intake.  Like if I were to have chocolates, I would eat it within an hour of having my carbs and veggies.   Also, I would limit my chocolates to just twice a week and most importantly, my serving of chocolate will be limited to just 50 grams or a small bar of chocolate.  But at times, you will want to indulge like I did with the Crispy Pata.  So this is what I do when I over indulge...

The very next day, I simply follow the Eating Plan for a day or two and voila!  The weigh gain is GONE!!!  Amazing and magical!

So now, I don't have to be the bore who eats only salad greens in a restaurant.  Now I can eat with confidence and truly enjoy a meal.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

What Every Cohenite Newbie Should Know

Today is the day!!!  April 15, 2012 is graduation day.  That's a total of 93 days of the full Cohen cycle.  Of course, it could have been a couple of days less expect that I was abroad for 2 weeks and I kinda deviated from the Refeeding Plan.  During this entire process, there are a few things I realized about this plan that I think any new Cohenite must realize too:

1.  It is important to prepare your meals yourself.  Being the spoiled Pinoys that we are, many new Cohenites find the process of planning and preparing meals a pain.  True, it is a pain; especially if you are coming from the South Beach Diet where you can just call your favorite chef to prepare your daily meals and have it delivered in cute food boxes to your door step.  When you personally prepare your meals, you are conscious about the amount of salt and fat and other unhealthy ingredients that go into your meals.

I used to eat out every single day for the past 25 years.  Restaurants don't really care about the amount of salt or oil that goes into their dishes.  Actually, the more fat they put into their dishes, the more excited the customers get about their food.  Have you ever noticed how much oil goes into a typical Filipino dish?  How about a supposedly healthy dish that is topped with foie gras?  Remember that crunchy serving of bagnet?  How do you think it got that crunchy?

Personally preparing your meal also helps to tweak your mind into adjusting your meal portions.  When you weigh your beef, you now know what 150 grams of raw steak should look like.  It is definitely not the slab of meat I used to order at the restaurant!  And you know what, this new allowance is filling too.

2.  You don't have to eat until you feel like chocking.  The meal allowances are really just about right.  You get up from the table without that over-stuffed feeling.  It actually feels good!

3.  Meal planning is just a matter of organization.  Again, I emphasize that I never used to cook before Cohen.  I'm still not a good cook BUT now I know why I never got to cook in the first place.  It's not that I did not want to.  It's just that I did not know how to start doing it!

Pre-cohen, I would buy cookbooks and read through the recipes.  I would then mark the recipes I'd like to try and then list down ingredients to purchase for my meal.  The problem with this is that I end up with a pantry full of once-used ingredients.  There was no system to the entire meal planning process.  With Cohen, I was limited to just a few ingredients and I just worked all my meals around these items.

4.  Cooking doesn't have to be complicated.  Watching cooking shows on TV, you'd think that cooking required a lot of steps and a lot of ingredients.  Well, I learned that preparing a meal did not have to be so complex.  Take for instance breakfast.  You can simply take some yogurt, slice some fresh fruit, mix it in and you're done.  There is simply no reason to skip this meal!

I also discovered my best time savers:  onion powder and garlic powder.  Any good cook will always chop fresh onions and garlic.  Well, if you don't have the time, just sprinkle!!!

5.  Making "Baon" ain't so bad.  Actually, while we were travelling, it was great to have my baon.  Imagine how much was saved on meals?  This was my cheapest trip ever!!!

6.  Sugarless Gum is your new best friend.  I always carry gum wherever I go.  It's like my credit card, I never leave home without it.  Notice how your mind looks for food when you're idle?  When this happens, pop a piece of gum in your mouth.  I chew gum like my friends puff on cigarettes.  Best of all, my dentist approves of this!!!  Right, Bubut?

7.   When you finally lose all that unwanted weight, don't believe  when they say you lost too much weight or you look older.  Believe what my dear friend, Roz, said:  "Own it and walk that aisle".  Which aisle, you ask?  The one that holds size 2 or 0!!!

To that, I will have the chocolate bar I kept for just this special day!  Life begins at 44!!!  Cheers to you!