Sunday, March 25, 2012

I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane

The biggest challenge of any Cohenite is getting on an airplane.  More so if it's a long haul flight.

I'm on Refeeding and this is tougher than the Eating Plan because meal allowances change everyday depending on whether or not yesterday's food combination made me gain weight.  Every morning, I always check my weight before preparing my meals.

Today, my flight is at 12:45 pm.  This gives me enough time to prepare my flight meals.  Even if I have requested for gluten-free meals on board, I'd rather make baon to ensure I stay deviation free.

I woke up at 6:00 am, weighed myself and prepared my breakfast.  Since today's meal allowance calls for an additional 80 to 90 grams of protein and another 80 to 90 grams of vegetables, I've decided to eat eggs and vegetables for breakfast instead of my staple yogurt and mangoes.  This way I can spread out the veggie and protein allowances over 3 meals instead of 2.  I should emphasize that at this point of the diet, I am overwhelmed by the amount of food I MUST eat.

 A flight from Manila to New York usually takes me 22 to 24 hours door-to-door.  This means I should prepare 3 meals.  These meals must not spoil easily, nor should it be saucy.  I will also need to pack these in light, airtight containers.  Good thing our dear friend, Anna Rod, gave us a set of 3 Lock & Lock plastic food containers that come in an insulated bag.  During my Dad's time, this would have been called "pimbrera".  Here's the modern-day pimbrera

Here is what I prepared:

Meal 2:  Thai Chicken Patties with Sautéed Veggies.  This is one of the simplest dishes to prepare, especially with a food processor;  and easiest to pack because it is dry.  Simply mince chicken in the food processor.  Chop  garlic, onion, fresh coriander and toss in with the minced chicken.  Sprinkle salt, pepper and cumin.  Mix everything and then form into patties that will fit into your food container.  I ended up with 3 flat sausages.  Grilled them and packed into a Lock & Lock with sautéed veggies.

Meal 3:  Seafood and Chicken with Sautéed Veggies.  I figured seafood will not sit in the freezer long enough for my return trip so I decided to cook all the remaining seafood in the freezer.  Good thing there was just enough to cover my protein allowance for the day.  Even better, at this point of the Refeeding Plan, I can already combine proteins.

I cubed some shrimp, squid and chicken.  Grilled and sprinkled with salt & pepper then tossed in some veggies.  I packed this in  Lock & Lock container number 2.

Meal 1:  This meal is the following day's breakfast meal.  I don't like eggs unless it's freshly cooked so I will risk packing yogurt.  I plan to pack the yogurt in the insulated bag together with my day's fruit allowance.  To ensure it's freshness, this insulated bag will also have blue ice in it.

Here's my airplane baon: 

And here it is all packed and ready for boarding 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Eat more, lose more?!

Oh yeah!  My goal weight was 112 lbs.  I started refeeding at 111.8 lbs.  After  days of eating more, to the point of force-feeding, I am now 110.6 lbs!  Have you ever been on a diet like this?  It's truly amazing!

Unlike the first phase of the Cohen Diet, the Refeeding (RF) phase is a little more meticulous.  Let me explain first how the two phases of this diet works.

When you first enroll in this diet, the Cohen clinic draws your blood and after about 2 weeks, they call you back to give you and explain your EP.  Quite simply, your EP will tell you how much chicken, meat, or seafood you must eat per day in combination with a specific amount of vegetables.  The mantra of Cohen is "your food is your medicine".  This means that if the EP says you must eat 110 grams of meat, you have to stick to this allowance.  Don't deviate by eating 111 grams!

So coming from the market, the first thing I do when I get home is to bring out all my little containers and then cut up my meats into the proper allowances, then label each container with the precise quantity of meat or chicken.  This way, when I have to cook my meals, I simply pull out the required quantity.

In the Refeeding stage, Cohen gave me a new plan.  This new plan is good for 18 days.  In this plan, Cohen increased my food allowances for each day.  It even added a couple more choices of fruits and some bread.  Again, I should not deviate from this plan.  If the plan says eat 145 grams of chicken with 140 grams of vegetables and a serving of mango and 2 crackers, I must eat ALL of these.  Medyo nakakalula.  Actually, in my Pre-Cohen days, I could have probably eaten more (hahaha).

The first thing I must do when I wake up is to relieve my bladder and then weigh myself.  I have to weigh myself everyday at, more or less, the same hour of the day.  If I had not gained weight, then I proceed with the day's new meal allowances.  These new allowances are an additional 60-80 grams of proteins and vegetables.  So when previously I would just store 115 grams of meat, now I have to cut up an additional 30 grams.  That's, if I had not gained weight from the previous day.

The preparation is a little more laborious but the weight loss just continues.  I'm now wearing my "tight clothes" that are now really loose. Yesterday, feeling really good, I decided to wear skinny white jeans to work.  Mind you, I had a shirt tucked in pa!  So I enter the office and then my mom takes a look at me and says, "sobrang payat mo na. Panggit na yan".  Hahaha.  This is the very first time somebody described me as sobrang payat!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Exercise, exercise

I love to exercise.  I have always kept some kind of exercise routine.  Pre-Cohen I would play tennis twice a week and jog on off days.  Tennis, to me, is not just a way to fight the battle of the bulge, it's also a very good reason to meet up with friends.  I've been playing tennis with the same group of "early birds" for a couple of years now.  Tennis is my excuse to meet up with Joel (before he migrated), Sharon and Mike and then have a good breakfast at Apartment 1B.

On the off days, I jog around Salcedo and Legaspi Village.  I love Makati in the early morning when it's quiet and peaceful.  No cars, no people, no pollution.  Jogging gives me a sense of peace.  It is my "alone time".

But ever since Cohen, I had to stop working out.  Not that I wasn't allowed.  I am allowed but you see, on Cohen, my daily calorie intake is very minimal.  Last month, at one of J's family reunions, I went to dinner taking along my baon.  I happened to sit beside a doctor and we talked about my diet.  He made some computations and said that I was taking about 1400 calories a day.  He explained that our bodies burn 1800 calories without doing anything.  So imagine if I continued working out?  I'd be soooo hungry!  So I decided not to workout while on Cohen.  So until I'm really done with Cohen, my gear will just sit around waiting

Thursday, March 15, 2012

1st Refeeding

Reached my goal weight yesterday and now it's time to learn how to eat like all other human beings.  The Refeeding Stage is supposed to help your body adjust to more food in terms of quantity and variety.  It's actually a scary phase because after 2 months of structured eating, I am now entering new territory.  While preparing my meal, I keep reassuring myself to just trust the diet plan.

To speed up the weight loss during the Eating Plan, I decided to jumble my meals.  I would eat my dinner or lunch allowance for breakfast and reserve my breakfast allowance for dinner.  This way, I end the day with a light meal.  I read this tip in a Cohen blog.  It said that when you think you're not losing weight as fast as you expect, they suggest that you jolt your system by switching your meal allowances.

For the past weeks, that's what I've been doing so for my very first Refeeding Meal, I am having Chicken with Mango Sauce for breakfast.

Whoa!  This looks like a whole lot of food!  After 2 months of having baby meals, this quantity just shocks my mind and tummy.  To think, I merely added 20 grams of vegetables and 15 grams of protein to my usual allowance!

Well, to a new day, Bon Appetite!

March 15, 2012---Day 64!!!

This is it!!!  This is the day I reached my ideal weight:  111 lbs.

The next challenge is maintaining it!  Life is good!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wansoy, Cilantro and Corriander

I think wansoy, cilantro and corriander are one and the same thing.  Don't take my word for it.  All I know is that a lot of the yummy Cohen recipes call for cilantro.

When I started on Cohen, this herb/spice (are herbs and spices the same thing?) was one of the first things I got at the supermarket.  Of course when I first got introduced to this leaf, I had to ask the grocery clerk if the plant I picked was the right one because there was another one that looked just liked it called Kinchay.

After almost a month and a half of using corriander, I finally told my mom that I was having a hard time keeping this leaf fresh.  I would put it in the refrigerator and it would just wilt in a day or two.  Such a delicate herb.

Then Mom, my culinary guru, taught me a trick.  She said all I have to do is put my corriander in a container and fill it with water.  Then with a small plastic bag, cover the leaves and then keep in the refrigerator.

Totoo nga!  It lasted a week.  Once again, Mommy knows best!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Plan & Pack Your Meals

In the course of my diet, there are times when I simply cannot go home to cook my meals.  One such instance is today.  I have to meet up with my classmates to review for this Sunday's Real Estate Broker's exam.  We're meeting in Ayala Town Center at 9:00 a.m. and this review can go on all day.  To ensure that I remain deviation-free, I'm packing my lunch and snack.

For lunch, I decided on Spicy Chicken Salad.  I prepared the chicken patties last night and stuck it in the freezer to ensure its freshness.  I also prepared the vegetables for the salad so that I don't have to rush this morning. 

After having my regular breakfast, I fried the chicken patties and assembled the salad.

When I prepare my packed lunch, I try to make it no just delicious, but pleasing to the eyes as well.

I found this cute collapsible food container at Dimensione and have been using it everytime I have to take my meals.  Notice that I separated the salad from the chicken patties so that my salad greens don't wilt.  I also found small containers that can hold my crackers and salad dressing.  The salad dressing is simply balsamic vinegar, chili flakes, Splenda and a litle low fat mayo.

Below is how my meal looks packed in the food container:

I figure that this review will last until at least 5 p.m. so I am packing my snacks as well.  I've decided to bring a can of Diet 7Up because from experience, food establishments do not usually carry Diet Uncolas.  I also have 2 extra crackers and my trusty Orbits chewing gum to keep me going.

All these will be going inside an insulated bag.  I also purchased blue ice bricks to ensure that my packed meal and soda is kept nice and cold

So for your Cohenites who truly want to stay deviation free, this is my suggestion:  Pack You!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Faux Tokwa't Baboy

Having cooked most of the dishes in the Cohen Recipe Book, I decided to look for other dishes online.  I found this delicious dish:  "Tokwa't Baboy".  The texture and appearance of the mushrooms makes you think you're eating pork rind with a strip of fat.

Shitake mushrooms
Balsamic vinegar
Garlic powder
Salt & pepper

Marinate tofu in balsamic vinegar for 30 minutes.  When done, cut up the tofu into thin rectangles so that it crisps when fried.

Fry the tofu pieces until golden brown and then set aside.

On the same pan, sautee all the other vegetables and toss in all the other ingredients.  Add a little water and let everything simmer until water is reduced in half.

Serve with tofu.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Really, no rice?

Nowadays whenever I bump into an old friend the first thing they say is "ang payat mo, ha".  Woopee!  I even got a Facebook comment this morning from my dear friend Lilibeth who saw a picture of me and said "you look so lean".  Oooh-la-lah!  "Bunny" and "lean" were never-ever combined in a sentence.  After all the flattery, the conversation veers towards, "how'd you do it?"  So  I tell them I'm on Cohen and then I give them a gist of what the diet is about.  I tell them it's not too difficult.  Just take time to organize your meals and ... you won't be eating rice for a while.  And then I get these violent reactions, "No rice?!"  Yes, dear, no rice.

I think I'm lucky that I don't really crave rice.  Pre-Cohen I could actually go on days without rice.  My dad is the complete opposite.  If he has a meal without rice, he calls that meal merienda.  Of course, I find out that dad is not alone.  My dear friend Joel will even eat his pancit with rice :)  Pinoys just need their rice.  For the true blooded Pinoys, here is my Shrimp Gambas with Faux Rice:

Chili peppers
Cauliflower,  minced

Sautee shrimps in garlicand chili peppers.  When done, put in a plate then boil some water.  Once boiling put in the minced cauliflower.  When cauliflower is soft, strain and serve with you shrimp gambas.  !A comer!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Let's Do Prawns

One afternoon I was at S&R replenishing my stock of vegetables and fruits when I happened to pass by the seafood section.  I spotted some prawns, stared at it for a while and told myself it was time I tried cooking something other than chicken and beef.  Remembering reading in some blog that a regular serving of prawns was about 8 pcs. per meal, I picked 16 pcs.for me and J.

When I finally got home, I put all my fruits and veggies away and excitedly opened my bag of prawns.  Note that in Cohen, only food that will be eaten is weighed.  What this means is that if you are having tomatoes, you weigh your tomato allowance without the seeds.  If you're having fish, you get it filleted because you won't be eating fish bones.  Ergo, with my prawns, I had to remove its shell before weighing my allowance.  So I picked up a prawn and then... yikes!!!

  ****panic, panic***  Suddenly all these thoughts came rushing --- What if the prawns come alive?!  Do I just twist its head?  Mayday, mayday, I can't leave these prawns lying out too long, it might spoil!  Help, help I have to cook dinner!!!  Here I was panicking and then I remembered...

I have a brother who's a chef!!!  So I dialed a chef.  "Hello, Popit, are you home?  Can you come over?  I have a problem with my prawns."  Good thing Chef Popit lives next door.  He comes over, gives me a "duh-look" and effortlessly picks a prawn, twists the head, flicks the shell off, bends the prawn and with a toothpick deveins.  Wow! 

Well, since then, I have practiced "prawning" and here's a Prawn Spaghetti recipe I recently cooked (I should mention that J had to refine my technique for this dish because I was not following a recipe --- level-up na ako!):

Basil, oregano, chili flakes
Salt & pepper
Enochi mushrooms

Spray pan with olive oil.  Brown garlic and cook onions.  Remove cooked garlic and onions and toss into Osterizer.  Add tomatoes into the Osterizer with a little water and puree.  Fry the prawns until they turn orange then pour in tomato mixture into the pan. Let simmer.

Meanwhile, boil some water.  Once boiling, dunk the Enochi mushrooms and blanch until  the mushrooms are soft.  Drain the mushrooms and put into a bowl.  Pour the prawn-tomato sauce on the mushrooms.  Eat!

Many thanks to J and Popit for helping me discover prawns!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Parang it's so konti

What a hectic day!  I get up at 6 am and zoom off to the wet market with my Mom.  When we get home, I'm happy with my stash of fresh ingredients:  prawns, fish fillet, all sorts of vegetables and fruits.  Now it's time to weigh and store all these goodies in individual containers then ...  Oh no, I haven't had my breakfast yet!

***Panicking*** (I get an apple, peel, chop and toss it in the saucepan.  Cover it with 7-Up, sprinkle cinnamon and wait for it to boil.).  ***Back to the blog***

Then I wrap my vegetables in newspaper and store them in the crisper.  By the time I'm done chopping, weighing, packing, preparing and eating breakfast, it's 8:45!  I rush to shower, get dressed and rush off to work.  As an aside, I gotta tell you... getting dressed now is such a breeze.  Everything just fits so well ;).

Ok, since breakfast was late, then lunch will be at 1:45 pm.  I always make sure to have at least 5 hours in between main meals.

I rush to the job site, do what has to be done and then rush back home to prepare lunch for me and J.  Good thing, J is willing to eat my food.

I open the refrigerator and notice that I have a pack of tofu that's about to expire.  So, tofu it is for lunch.  Tofu't Mushroom (please, pronounced with a Pinoy accent):

Tofu - slice to thin slices so that it crisps when fried
Shiitake mushrooms
Any other veggies
Garlic powder
Balsamic vinegar
Salt & pepper

Fry tofu then set aside.  Sautee veggies with garlic powder, balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper, Splenda.  Add a little water and let it simmer a bit.  When done, toss back the tofu

Of course I had to do this entire routine twice because I had to cook for 2.  So I clean my pan, spray oil and then do the whole process again. Phew!

So when I served J's dish, she takes a good look at it and says, "Parang it's so konti".  I look at her and say, "I weighed it and ate exactly the same amount.  Maybe you should eat it with 2 crackers".

You tell me, konti ba?