Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Plan & Pack Your Meals

In the course of my diet, there are times when I simply cannot go home to cook my meals.  One such instance is today.  I have to meet up with my classmates to review for this Sunday's Real Estate Broker's exam.  We're meeting in Ayala Town Center at 9:00 a.m. and this review can go on all day.  To ensure that I remain deviation-free, I'm packing my lunch and snack.

For lunch, I decided on Spicy Chicken Salad.  I prepared the chicken patties last night and stuck it in the freezer to ensure its freshness.  I also prepared the vegetables for the salad so that I don't have to rush this morning. 

After having my regular breakfast, I fried the chicken patties and assembled the salad.

When I prepare my packed lunch, I try to make it no just delicious, but pleasing to the eyes as well.

I found this cute collapsible food container at Dimensione and have been using it everytime I have to take my meals.  Notice that I separated the salad from the chicken patties so that my salad greens don't wilt.  I also found small containers that can hold my crackers and salad dressing.  The salad dressing is simply balsamic vinegar, chili flakes, Splenda and a litle low fat mayo.

Below is how my meal looks packed in the food container:

I figure that this review will last until at least 5 p.m. so I am packing my snacks as well.  I've decided to bring a can of Diet 7Up because from experience, food establishments do not usually carry Diet Uncolas.  I also have 2 extra crackers and my trusty Orbits chewing gum to keep me going.

All these will be going inside an insulated bag.  I also purchased blue ice bricks to ensure that my packed meal and soda is kept nice and cold

So for your Cohenites who truly want to stay deviation free, this is my suggestion:  Pack You!

1 comment:

  1. Cute Post, Buns... i just followed you as I love blogs!!!
