Thursday, March 1, 2012

Parang it's so konti

What a hectic day!  I get up at 6 am and zoom off to the wet market with my Mom.  When we get home, I'm happy with my stash of fresh ingredients:  prawns, fish fillet, all sorts of vegetables and fruits.  Now it's time to weigh and store all these goodies in individual containers then ...  Oh no, I haven't had my breakfast yet!

***Panicking*** (I get an apple, peel, chop and toss it in the saucepan.  Cover it with 7-Up, sprinkle cinnamon and wait for it to boil.).  ***Back to the blog***

Then I wrap my vegetables in newspaper and store them in the crisper.  By the time I'm done chopping, weighing, packing, preparing and eating breakfast, it's 8:45!  I rush to shower, get dressed and rush off to work.  As an aside, I gotta tell you... getting dressed now is such a breeze.  Everything just fits so well ;).

Ok, since breakfast was late, then lunch will be at 1:45 pm.  I always make sure to have at least 5 hours in between main meals.

I rush to the job site, do what has to be done and then rush back home to prepare lunch for me and J.  Good thing, J is willing to eat my food.

I open the refrigerator and notice that I have a pack of tofu that's about to expire.  So, tofu it is for lunch.  Tofu't Mushroom (please, pronounced with a Pinoy accent):

Tofu - slice to thin slices so that it crisps when fried
Shiitake mushrooms
Any other veggies
Garlic powder
Balsamic vinegar
Salt & pepper

Fry tofu then set aside.  Sautee veggies with garlic powder, balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper, Splenda.  Add a little water and let it simmer a bit.  When done, toss back the tofu

Of course I had to do this entire routine twice because I had to cook for 2.  So I clean my pan, spray oil and then do the whole process again. Phew!

So when I served J's dish, she takes a good look at it and says, "Parang it's so konti".  I look at her and say, "I weighed it and ate exactly the same amount.  Maybe you should eat it with 2 crackers".

You tell me, konti ba?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I love reading your blog. Its voice sounds just like you! You should get J to cook for you paminsan-minsan naman. :) Great job. I'm watching you ;)
